Drop Two

“What is keeping us here?”

I recall asking this of my husband after my work position had been eliminated. Part of the restructuring there. Which led to restructuring at home.


My husband has been wanting to move from here nearly as soon as we moved here. In answer to my title question, he answered and expressed his desire to work just two more years, then retire. I asked, “Do you need to work here for those two years?”


It is so easy to romanticize the prospect of moving. Find a new home in a new location (his bucket list location), earn enough selling our house to add to our savings and pay off current mortgage resulting in no mortgage at the new location. Looking at the houses available online was the start. Seeing them in person, different reality. Like the plan to sell our current home “as is”. Over the years “our noses were so close to the grindstone” that projects that we set aside for later – well, let’s just say today is later. Must be careful with contracts. The offer off the top may not be the whole story. Just saying – read, reread, seek help, ask questions to be sure you know what you are signing.


My husband brought boxes home the other day. Using the Nextdoor app, I found even more in our neighborhood. So grateful for all the generosity around us. Thankful for the many drops helping to fill this bucket. The work of filling and setting boxes aside for that not yet proclaimed moving day continues. I know it is coming. Hoping it is soon. Soon. Such an obscure word. Reminds me of patients asking when their doctor will be by to see them. “Anytime,” was my routine response. “Seriously, anytime. Could be in 5 minutes, could be in an hour. The doctor will be by before the end of the day.” At least they knew it would be before the end of the day. Soon. So much more ambiguous.


While preparing and packing I am reminded of Exodus chapters 11 & 12 in the Bible. The Israelites were in the process of preparing to leave Egypt. Moses, messenger of God and their deliverer, went to Pharaoh day after day with the command from God, “Let my people go.” Ten plagues were sent to Egypt to help Pharaoh understand the power of God. The tenth was the Angel of Death. They had painted their home door posts with lamb’s blood, as instructed by God through Moses, so that the Angel of Death would pass over their homes and not claim their first born. They were dressed, packed and ready to move as soon as the Pharaoh released them. Although we do not know the day or hour that we will be moving, we must prepare so that when that day comes, we will be ready to leave.


Drop Three


Drop One