Drop One

So, allow me to introduce myself. I am a "drop in the bucket".

Most of the time, the ideas I have, and share are reflections of a collection of past thoughts I have been reluctant to share. Not everyone agrees. I have had a "people pleasing" way of doing life and taking a stand is hard.

Documenting my thoughts for the entire world to see is EXTREMELY OUTSIDE MY COMFORT ZONE. However, God has not called any of us to be comfortable.

He has not called us to be less than we can be. He has called us to be more.

And though I am no more or less than a drop in the bucket, many drops together can fill the bucket. Many drops together can create a rainstorm, monsoon, stream, lake, river, and even an ocean.

May this blog inspire each of us to unite with other "drops in the bucket" and become the starters of hope in our communities.

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(Please read Psalms 107 with special attention to versus 33 through 43).


Drop Two