Drop Twenty-Six

Jeremiah 29:11

“‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’” (NASB)


Five years ago, my husband started talking about retirement and a desire to retire early. He asked me when I planned to retire. I had heard on the news and via each social security statement that the “retirement age” for my generation is at the age of 72. Knowing that was the number that had been set by others, retirement did not appear to be an option for me. His desire to retire early seemed to solidify the prediction that my ability to retire would be non-existent. But God intervened. He truly came to our rescue. The term “mid-life crisis” is often associated with rash decisions. For us, this time has been a down shift, changing of gears. Choosing to develop relationships and enjoy life. So thankful for the rescue from the rat race 15+ years earlier.


Heavenly Father,

You truly do love us and have a plan for each of us. You are trustworthy. May we seek to serve You throughout our lives. May we bring honor and Glory to You through all that week think, say, and do. Jesus calls us to come to Him for rest and for work (Matt. 11:28-30). May we listen to the gentle guidance You give us through the Holy Spirit, and follow through with the plan.

In Jesus’ name we pray,



Drop Twenty-Seven


Drop Twenty-Five