Drop Twenty-Eight

Galatians 2:20

“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (NASB1995)

Wednesday, February 14th was both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday. I know of at least three Christian denominations that participate in the season of Lent. The idea is to give up something, preferably sacrificially, to develop a better understanding of what Christ gave up for us. I know a friend that always gives up chocolate.  A few years ago, I gave up potatoes. Which sounds funny, I know. Why potatoes? By giving up potatoes, I gave up potato chips, French fries, hashbrowns, mashed potatoes – everything made with potatoes. The craziest part of all – I felt so much better without them that I rarely eat them at all now. There are times that we need to give up something good so that all the bad that goes with it is left behind and we can be open to  what is better.

Heavenly Father,

You created everything, including each of us. Your plans are greater than our plans. May we seek to serve You in all we think, say, and do. May we live lives that demonstrate the forgiveness we have received through the shed blood of Christ. Open our hearts and eyes to Your handiwork. Teach us to walk in Your way and keep in step with the Spirit. May we feel the weight of our burdens lift as we let go of what is bad, or even good, and trade it for what You have for us that is far better. May we trust You more each day.

In Jesus’ name we pray.



Drop Twenty-Nine


Drop Twenty-Seven