Drop Twenty

“Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he [Herod] inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for this is what has been written by the prophet: ‘And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are by no means least among the leaders of Judah; for out of you shall come forth a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” (Matthew 2:4-6) 


The Christmas season is filled with preparations. Preparations are often favorite confections and meals that are saved for this season. Houses are decorated inside and out. Christmas music fills the airways on nearly every station and in every store. There is a strong push to buy something, give something to everyone. We tend to be kinder during this season. Growing up there was a Christmas concert that we did in grade school titled “Hey, God! What is Christmas?” To this day the refrain echoes in my mind: 


“Hey, God! What is Christmas? 

Hey, God! What is Christmas? 

Hey, God! What is Christmas? 

What is Christmas anyway? 


It’s not Christmas shopping 

Or hanging up a stocking 

Or fruitcake with a topping. 

What is Christmas anyway? 


Hey, God, it’s Your love 

For everyone 

You sent your Son 

That’s what Christmas is. 


Hey, God, it’s Your love 

For everyone 

You sent your Son 

That’s what Christmas is.” (I do not recall and cannot find the original score) 


All the chief priests and the scribes of the people knew where the Messiah was to be born, not the when. The wise men were watching and noticed a change in the sky. They saw the star. The found themselves in Herod’s court as they believed that was where they would find the newborn King. Strangers inquired of where he was to be born. They received the answer and continued their quest. The chief priests did not follow. The scribes did not follow. Herod plotted against the newborn. What will you do? 


Heavenly Father, 

Thank You so much for loving us despite ourselves. There is nothing that we can do aside from accepting Your provision of Your Son, Jesus, as the only acceptable sacrifice to save us from the consequences of our short-comings, sin, failure. As we complete our preparations during this Christmas season, may our hearts be filled with the Holy Spirit. May we share Your love with everyone. Thank You for Your forgiveness and desire to interact with us.  

In Jesus name we pray, 



Drop Twenty-One


Drop Nineteen