Drop Thirty-Four

Mark 10:14


“But when Jesus  saw this, He was indignant and said to them, ‘Permit the children to come to me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these’” (NASB1995).


Not long ago, I took two of our grandchildren to church with me while they were visiting. Aware that this may only be their second experience going to church, I arrived before the service started, gave them a tour of the building, and had them with me at the start of the worship service. Each child made a friend/acquaintance during that time and happily joined their friends in children’s church. I, on the other hand, was verbally chastised by another mother who felt the need to explain why they should have just been taken to the children’s church service at the start.


This past Sunday (Palm Sunday) our granddaughter and I went to church with my aunt (her great-great aunt). The youth group served breakfast as a fundraiser. Our granddaughter enjoyed playing with three others and remained with them throughout the service. They were in a play space in front of the first pew. I was just two rows away with my aunt the entire time. It was very refreshing to find they planned for children during the service. There were only a few times that the kids were a little noisy. The pastor’s response was, “Better that they are seen and heard, than not here.” I love that. While both perspectives have their place, at this time of my life with grandchildren, the latter seems to be what we need. We will be back.

Heavenly Father,

You are worthy of all praise. You created us and know each of us better than we know ourselves. Thank You, for desiring children to be welcomed in Your presence. Thank You for the hope that we have through the sacrifice of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit. As we continue to ponder Holy Week 2024, may we welcome all the children to come and see. May they learn that the Lord is good.

In Jesus’ Name,



Drop Thirty-Five


Drop Thirty-Three