Drop Forty-Two

Galatians 6:2

“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ” (NASB1995).

 While growing up the encouragement I received most of the time was, “You are so sweet! Do not change”. This came from family, acquaintances and so many directions that it felt like an order. As time went by, change was inevitable. It seemed so many people around me would be so disappointed if I let them know that I was changing. Fear of disappointing them led to reclusiveness, people pleasing, lack of confidence to develop and share convictions, as well as, inability and unwillingness to identify feelings. Extreme codependency tendencies nearly crippled my ability to become a responsible adult. There was one friend that I shared just a small portion of my burden with, and she shared a small portion of her burden with me. Together, we were quite a force to be reckoned with; separate – we were each quiet and more reserved. As a nurse, wife, daughter, and mother, I helped many carry their burdens; but I often hid my own. This verse says we are to bear up one another’s burdens. May we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, so we fulfill the law of Christ. 

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for another opportunity to praise You. Thank You for using our weakness to strengthen our spiritual bond to You and each other. As we share Your love with others, may we be honest regarding our burdens and share them with at least one other person. May we fulfill Your law and help carry burdens of our neighbors.

In Jesus’ name we pray,



Drop Forty-Three


Drop Forty-One