Drop Forty-Three

Philippians 4:6

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (NASB1995).

The silence was deafening. Every morning for more than five years his meowing was more reliable than any alarm. Every morning, he vied for my attention. Every morning, except Monday … Tuesday … Wednesday …. Thursday … where was he? Concerns that he was carried off and had died somewhere were in the back of my mind, but not accepted as fact. Cats have nine lives – he is just starting number four. I let a few friends know that he was missing and sent pictures via text. Nothing for four days. I set the rug that he laid on the most outside to help remind him where home is. We looked for him a little each day and recognized that is was a near impossible task. Our daughter encouraged me, “Every cat we have ever had, takes off for about five days after a move.” Every night I prayed. “Lord, You know where he is. Send him home please. Thank you.”  This morning around 5:00, our dog woke my husband. At the back door was the cat, pacing and meowing. My husband picked up the dog and opened the door. Our cat came straight to where I sleep, meowing the whole way. Most days, I do not get up before 6:30. Today, I was up at 5:10, combing the burrs out of our cat’s fur and thankful  the flea/tick collar seemed to work well. So happy he, our cuddling, playful, and somewhat demanding cat is back. Now we all know this is home.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for taking care of us and our pets. Thank You for the beauty that surrounds us. Each of us has a purpose – even our pets. Thank you for allowing us and wanting us to bring our concerns to You, no matter how great or small they may seem to us. May we appreciate all the blessings You send each day, whether rain or shine, mud or sand, cat or dog, horse or hog -  all are created by Your hand.

In Jesus’ name we pray,



Drop Forty-Four


Drop Forty-Two