Drop Forty-One

1 John 3:18

“Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action” (NRSV).


Mother’s Day has always been an awkward holiday. Most of the time, it was a weekend to work. My husband refers to it as  “Halmark Holiday” which means it is a day invented by the card industry to boost their business. Knowing that is not true, but also recognizing his belief, nothing much was ever expected for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. This year was different. Before the holiday even arrived, a special edition Hallmark coffee mug of Linus and Snoopy “Zip” arrived (which is in a very special place 😊). When our daughter arrived on Friday she came with flowers, a gnome, and a plaque for the garden. More importantly, she stayed. She and her daughter stayed from Friday through Sunday. Friday night we stayed up to see the Northern Lights as they worked their way south and we talked. We learned on Saturday that the local coffee shop has wonderful mochas. On Sunday, we met a few “kiwis” from New Zealand. We also spent time blowing bubbles. So thankful for the time, conversation, and opportunity to just relax together. Best Mother’s Day so far.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You. We are so grateful for the people that You surround us with. May we take the opportunity to listen, converse, laugh, cry, and work together in love. You know and provide for us before we are even aware of our needs. May we share Your love with each other through acts of service, gifts, words of encouragement, physical touch and closeness, and quality time*.

In Jesus’ name we pray,



*The Five Love Languages Dr. Gary Chapman


Drop Forty-Two


Drop Forty