Drop Forty

Matthew 7:11

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!” (NASB1995).


She ran to her room, shot a glare at me, then closed the door. How could I have said that to her? Whatever was I thinking? She just wanted to eat all the things while dinner was being prepared. Why would I utter that awful word – “no”?

On the radio the DJ mentioned that she finally accepted that “no” is just an answer. It is not good, bad, nor personal. I then thought about when I finally understood that “no” was just an answer. I was probably about the same age as the DJ. Knowing that I and the DJ were at least three decades into our lives before we understood the value of “no,” my patience for our three-year-old grandchild blossomed into greater gentleness and understanding. It is difficult to understand early in life that “no” to certain things can lead to a better “yes” later.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for answering “no” when we seek after things not in accordance with Your plan for us. Help us to accept Your will and pursue Your calling for each of our lives. May we choose to live as You have called us to live. May we treat others as we wish to be treated, even if it means we must say, “no.”

In Jesus Name we pray,



Drop Forty-One


Drop Thirty-Nine