Drop Forty-Five

1 Timothy 5:1-2 

“Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers, the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters in all purity” (NASB1995).

One day, while enjoying my favorite CDs (yes, CD’s) in the stereo system that came with our new home. I have never had a 5 CD changer in my home and the nostalgia was eagerly welcomed while cleaning and organizing our new place. Until one day, I heard a loud “pop”, and it all came to an end. The CD changer still had power, as did the equalizer and tuner, but the amplifier would not power up. My husband and I both looked helplessly at the situation. The system is very old. Would anyone be able to repair the amplifier? Will something new work with the 5 CD changer? Even the cassette player? Yes, I am aging myself, but so are my CD’s and cassettes from yesteryear 😉.

It has been at least 2 months since that happened. I talked with a repairman a few weeks ago and he suggested replacing it. After shopping online and being sure that the back of the new amplifier would connect to the speakers, I purchased a new one. It arrived today. The new amplifier replaced the tuner and the equalizer as well. Not bad for a new replacement. It even has a Bluetooth option and can play a USB thumb drive!  It is wonderful when older generations are not left completely behind when the new generation takes the lead. Oh, no! Another “pop”. It may be time to replace a speaker.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You! Thank You for creating us to be our best when we work together. May we regard all in humanity as our brothers and sisters, or mothers and fathers. Too often we think we are in control. Thank You for reminding us that only You are truly in control. May we use our gifts and talents to encourage and strengthen each other. May we communicate with each other with understanding and self-control.

In Jesus’ name we pray,



Drop Forty-Six


Drop Forty-Four