Drop Fifty-Seven

Proverbs 14:21

“He who despises his neighbor sins, But happy is he who is gracious to the poor” (NASB1995).


We are fast approaching our first anniversary in our new home. It has been a full year of getting to know our neighbors, our new property, maintaining vegetation and now reaping the produce. The local health department and a local church have served as hubs for connecting with this community. After this time of relationship building and adjustment, I recently started working at the health department. My nursing skills are being utilized once again to serve. Serving others brings so much joy to this heart of mine. So thankful for the opportunity to serve this community with  these kind passionate co-workers.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the time of rest and the new opportunity to serve. Thank You for creating us with compassion for others that multiplies as we minister. May the work we do bring honor and glory to You as we serve those in need.

In Jesus’ name,



Drop Fifty-Eight


Drop Fifty-Six