Drop Fourteen

“And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:3 NASB 1995). 


His anger nearly consumed him. “Just get rid of all of it!” he shouted. He wondered to himself, “Why now? Why NOW? I have been the same all this time and she had no issues with me.” He then realized that over the last few weeks she had systematically moved out of their apartment. Everything that was hers, was gone.  


What would you do if you were him? 


As his friend, how would you offer support? 


As we approach the holiday season there is a commercial push to buy, buy, and buy some more. It is expected that everyone will get together with their family and share a meal. The Norman Rockwell ideal has yet to be real for many families. As I focus on memorizing this chapter, verse 3 is helping me to step out of the narrative being broadcasted through all media sources. Without love, it is all meaningless. Without love, I am nothing.  


Father in Heaven, 

Thank You for all that You have provided. Prepare our hearts and fill us with Your love. May we be kind to all around us, and sensitive to the “walking wounded.” Open our eyes and ears and may we open our homes as the Holy Spirit prompts. May we live up to our name, Christian (“little Christs”), a bit more each day. Heal our wounds so that we may help heal the wounds of another. 

In Jesus’ name we pray. 



Drop Fifteen


Drop Thirteen