Drop Eight


Well, we are as close to home as we can be on earth 😊. That is one of the reasons we knew this was the house to purchase. We both felt at ease during the walk-through and getting to know the prior owners has been an added blessing. The Lord has provided in so many ways. I gave away my rolling pin, only to find the previous owner had left one behind. I gave away two deviled egg trays, kept one and found another in our new home. Took a while to find our silverware and found a few pieces they left behind in the drawer. Remembered the coffee maker and coffee, took a while to find our coffee cups; thankfully, the previous owners left a few travel mugs and a coffee cup behind. Our seasonal allergies are not flaring as much here. The sky is a brilliant blue most days with those big puffy white clouds. So much change in such a short amount of time and yet, no anxiety.


Father in Heaven,

Thank You for providing this home for us. Thank You for the many who have welcomed us to our new town. May we seek to please You as we seek to fulfill Your purposes. Help us to complete setting up our home and we pray Your blessings on our upcoming celebration with family and friends as we open up our new home. May we be ever sensitive to Your leading and choose to follow You.

In the name of Jesus, Your Son, our Lord, we pray,



Philippians 4:6-7, β€œBe anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, wil guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (NASB1995).


Drop Nine


Drop Seven