Drop Ten

Proverbs 13:22a “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children …”


Almost settled. Almost. Soon we will have internet at home and not be totally dependent on our cell phone service. Soon we will get through all the packed boxes. Soon I will reopen my Etsy store. Soon. That wonderfully obscure word that has no defined time – just faith in the knowledge that it will happen.


I am so grateful for God’s patience with us throughout our lives. It is difficult to realize that we may not be where we are now if we had not the trials that we experienced. While we continue to unpack and settle in, it is time to prepare for the inevitable. Living trusts vs wills, Power of Attorney paperwork for healthcare and finances. It is a large undertaking – but better we do it now than dump the responsibility upon our children and our children’s children and so on.


Heavenly Father,

We praise You for who You are. You have created us for Your purposes. Awaken us to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Your ways are not our ways. Your ways are higher. Grant us wisdom as we prepare for the day we return to You. We pray for Your protection over our children and future generations. May we be responsible with the talents that You have provided us – investing in the furthering of Your Kingdom.

In Jesus’ name we pray.



Please take time to read all of Proverbs 13 and Matthew 25:14 – 30.


Drop Eleven


Drop Nine